Downsizing can be an excellent way for the elderly to enjoy more free time. If you’re like us, then hunting and shooting is probably high up on your list of favourite activities. Maybe you’ve spent years building an amazing firearm collection? If so, you know how rewarding owning a gun collection can be! But you […]
Did you know guns are some of the most commonly stolen items by thieves? Since they’re relatively small and easy to carry, it makes them an ideal target for theft. Not to mention that guns are often among some of the most valuable items in your home, akin to jewelry and other collectibles when it […]
Have you heard the phrase “Proper preparation prevents poor performance?” It’s hard to think of a more accurate saying when it comes to getting your firearms ready for the spring. Neglecting anything mechanical will eventually result in frustration and failure and, in the case of firearms, could potentially cause a dangerous situation. Imagine you’re on […]
Has your child ever asked you about your firearms? Just because kids aren’t asking about gun safety doesn’t mean they don’t have questions. The truth about gun safety is that the only thing that’ll keep a child safe is the training, education, and respect for firearms you instill in them. Although there’s no cookie cutter […]
How do you store your guns when you aren’t using them? Well hopefully, your number one answer is that you store your guns safely! But that’s just the beginning. When you’re storing firearms at home, there are so many things you need to take into consideration to make sure your guns are actually being stored […]
How much do you know about Canada’s history with firearms? Long before Confederation in 1867, guns were playing a significant role in shaping the events that would lead to the country we know and love today. Firearms were essential to tame the Canadian frontier and were considered to be necessary items for hunting and protection […]
Have you ever tried to buy or sell guns outside of a GTA Guns auction? The process wasn’t all that simple, we bet. From dealing with buyers who don’t have a clue to trying to find time to meet, selling firearms yourself can be a huge hassle. Not to mention, you always have to be […]
Are you an infantry battalion or a serious gun collector? If not, it might be time to examine your gun collection and cull the herd. Owning a gun collection is great! However, it can be a costly endeavour. You must keep your firearms insured and stored in a safe, secure, and legal way. That isn’t […]
As far as movie genres go, you just can’t beat a spy movie! These great films portray the exciting espionage activities of government agents, risking everything to avoid being caught by their enemies. Sometimes, they even save the world! Providing an entertaining mix of escapism, technological thrills, and exotic locales, it’s no wonder the spy […]
Do you know that almost every gun used in an American mass shooting is legally available to buy in Canada? Despite this, Canada doesn’t even come close to suffering the same rate of mass shootings as the United States. But why? In part, it’s because Canada’s gun laws are much stricter than the laws in […]