Is your will up to date? Do you even have a will? Although death can be an uncomfortable subject to talk about, not making arrangements can present a host of problems for your loved ones during a time of grieving. While most people remember to include money, real estate, and sentimental possessions in their will, […]
Are you looking to earn some extra cash? As avid gun enthusiasts, we understand the love of a great firearm or firearm collection. We also know that it’s no cheap endeavour. If you’re not using your guns regularly, why not make some money by selling a few of your lesser-used guns at auction? Listing your […]
Do you have elderly family members who own guns? One of the wonderful things about retirement is that it frees up time for seniors to enjoy more of what they love to do, like spending time with the grandchildren or a weekend of hunting. There’s certainly nothing wrong with enjoying some quality time that involves […]
When it comes to storing your guns safely, there are many factors to consider. The first and most important is to store your guns securely, out of reach from children. Second, you need to make sure your guns are stored in optimal conditions, so they don’t get rusty or damaged by the elements. Third, you […]
Are you intimidated by the process of buying a used gun? When it comes to spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on a used item, just like with any big purchase, it can be scary to take the plunge. But thankfully, with the right research and a little bit of know-how, the process of […]
Are you the executor of an estate in Toronto or the GTA? It’s a big responsibility, especially when guns are part of that estate. Trying to navigate your way through an estate with multiple firearms can make this important job even more complicated. At GTA Guns, executors often ask us questions like, what if the […]
Celebrities: they’re just like us! Ok, so we might not all have vacation homes in Aspen, a reserved table at the Ivy in Los Angeles, or a $5 million dollar movie contract, but there’s certainly one thing many of us have in common with famous celebrities – the love of a good firearm! So, who […]
Here’s a quick economics lesson: An item’s value is the price someone is willing to pay you for it, in a competitive market, today. Period. At GTA Guns auctions, it’s our job to create a competitive market environment that facilitates supply and demand. You demand, and we supply – all on our online auction platform. […]
Whenever something goes wrong in the news and there’s a gun involved, there’s an outcry for gun control. The problem is that people don’t understand gun control in Canada so they can’t really understand the real issues at hand. When it comes to gun control in Canada, it’s primarily about the licensing and registration of […]
Have you ever noticed how the protagonists on non-military TV shows are usually armed with only their trusty handgun? Whenever you see a character whip out their piece, you know they mean business! On TV, handguns are portrayed as wonder weapons, with equal firepower to a rifle (and often infinite ammo). Nine times out of […]