Did you know that many firearms auction companies are very careful to point out that this is a “buyer beware” industry? When you work with the average auction company to buy firearms, you’re often going to see “as is” included beside most listings. But here at GTA Guns, we’ve reinvented the firearms auction business so […]

Are you looking to buy or sell a firearm through an auction? Then you’ll want to do it through GTA Guns online auctions! Why? Let us count the ways… 1. Extreme Convenience There’s something to be said for convenience – and in today’s fast-paced world, convenience is king. Just 10 minutes of a traditional auction […]

Did you make a New Year’s resolution this year? We would wager a guess that the most popular resolutions for the start of 2019 are to eat healthier, get more exercise, and save more money! Although we can’t help you with the first two (but we wish you luck), we most certainly can help with […]

Did you know GTA Guns auctions has access to over 62,000 gun enthusiasts from all over North America? No one else in the GTA, or maybe even Canada, has access to that many potential buyers! So, what’s our secret of attracting so many buyers from across the whole continent? Read on to find out! Location, […]

When it comes to buying a new gun, there are so many questions you need to ask yourself. What’s my budget? What calibre should I purchase? Which brand of firearm should I choose? Then, once you’ve answered those questions and picked out a nice firearm, your next decision should be about which gun accessories to […]

How Guns in Movies Actually Work

Can you imagine how boring action movies would be without guns? There’s nothing more exhilarating than a perfectly choreographed gunfight in a movie. Whether its a shootout at the O.K. Corral or Sylvester Stallone shooting down bad guys in the jungle, guns and movies go hand-in-hand. And just like most things in the movies, firearms […]

Activities to Do With Your Guns in Ontario

Is your gun collection gathering dust? Chances are that, if you live in the GTA, you might not have a ton of opportunities to actually use your firearms. If you’re looking to dust off your old guns and put them to good use, then check out these fun and exciting activities you can legally do […]

How to Keep Your Guns in Tip Top Shape

How do you protect your gun collection? You know, collectors can go to great lengths to protect their collections from harm. For example, those who collect hockey cards make sure they’re safely in plastic sheets to protect them from moisture and physical harm. Those who collect toys often keep them in their original packaging, both […]

If you’re the executor of an estate that includes firearms, this important article is for you! As the executor of an estate in Toronto or in the GTA, there’s always the chance that you will discover assets that will be challenging to deal with. Figuring out what to do with firearms, for example, can be […]

Do you have an extensive gun collection? Or maybe just a few precious firearms? No matter if you’ve got five firearms in your collection or 50, if you’re looking at selling individual guns or your entire gun collection in the Greater Toronto Area, then you’re going to want to sell them through GTA Guns Auctions. […]