Firearms Safe Storage

As our family members age, there are many great occasions to look forward to, from becoming grandparents for the first time to finally retiring from work. Often advancing years come with a sense of freedom and a more open schedule to enjoy life. For those who are grandparents that could mean spending even more time […]


One of the saddest and most stressful times of our lives is when a loved one passes. After the shock fades and they are laid to rest, we often find that we then have to deal with things like paperwork and wills. If you’ve just inherited a gun with no valid licence and have absolutely […]

Disasters that Can Damage Your Guns at Home

Have you ever had a flooded basement? Fire? Or any other home-based accident? When it comes to storing your guns at home, there are many things you need to take into consideration. Of course, gun safety is paramount, especially if you have little ones running around. But there are other factors you need to take […]

Why Safe Storage is the Best Option for Your Firearms

Guns can bring a family together through hunting activities or a day out at the shooting range. Many parents bond with their children during these activities, but to ensure that owning and using a gun always remains a fun and safe activity, it’s very important to not just practice gun safety, but also to store […]

Is it Time to Auction Your Unused Guns

Do you remember when you were young and your Mom would tell you to clean your room? “Why?”, you would think, “I have plenty of space!” But then, of course, you grow up and eventually move into your own place. Suddenly, space becomes considerably more of an issue. No matter what age you are, whether […]

How & Where to Apply for Gun Licensing in Ontario

Are you looking to buy firearms in Ontario? Firearms in Canada can be categorized in one of three ways: Non-restricted (e.g.: most modern hunting firearms including rifles and shotguns) Restricted (e.g.: primarily handguns) Prohibited   In order to acquire non-restricted firearms and ammunition in Ontario, you must be the holder of a valid firearms possession […]

At-Home Gun Maintenance and Storage Tips

Storing your guns is serious business. Trust us, we know! If you are storing firearms in your home, there are a lot of important things that you need to think about. Not just basic gun safety, but also things like maintaining an optimal environment for your guns. There may be a variety of security concerns, […]

Some of the Security Measures We Offer with Safe Storage

Are you satisfied with the level of security protecting your firearm collection? Serious firearm collectors often take extreme measures to keep their collections safe in their homes. They buy large gun safes to protect against theft. These safes need to be fireproof to protect the guns in the event of an accident or emergency. Oh, […]

There are two words that put dread into the hearts of collectors all over Canada: Spring Cleaning. Spring cleaning is more than just tidying up. It’s the time to go through your life and figure out what you need and what you don’t. For firearms collectors, could there be anything worse than going through their […]

How do you store your guns? Folks who collect firearms are some of the most safety-conscious people out there. They know all of the benefits and dangers of firearms, and have put far more thought and research into gun safety than the average person. When you own a gun, safe storage matters—full stop. Here are […]