As a gun buff, you put a lot of money, time, and care into your firearms. With as much as you put into them, you want to be able to make what your guns are actually worth if you decide to sell them. GTA Guns makes sure you get the most value out of them when it is time to sell.
So, if you want to sell your firearms for a profit in Canada, what is the best method? That’s easy: GTA Guns auctions!
The Best Way to Sell Your Guns
You might think the easiest way to sell a firearm is to head down to a specialty store that purchases used guns. And you’re right, it’s easy… if you don’t care what you end up getting for your collection.
After all, gun stores and dealers themselves need to sell the firearms for a profit. So to maximize their profit, they need you to sell your guns to them at the lowest possible price. It’s far from ideal if you are looking to make more than a few dollars, and that’s if they even want your guns.
Another way you could sell your firearms is privately through online listings or a gun forum. While this might get you a little more money, it’s extremely inconvenient. Not only do you need to do all the paperwork yourself, transport the firearm to its new owner, and negotiate a fair price, but there is also the possibility of being scammed. On top of that, most reputable online listing sites like eBay or Kijiji don’t allow firearms to be sold on their platform.
We’ve discovered that the best mix of convenience and profit comes from having a trustworthy third party selling your firearms for you through an online auction. That’s the model at GTA Guns, and it’s paid remarkable dividends for both our buyers and sellers!
Why GTA Guns Auctions Work
At GTA Guns, selling firearms is astonishingly safe and easy on the seller’s side.
Here is what you do: you contact us, drop your firearms off at our brick-and-mortar location (we can also arrange pickup), and… that’s it. Everything else is up to us!
The first thing we do is check out all of your firearms to determine their exact condition, both inside and out. That means putting them through our proprietary GUNCHECK™ and CYCLECHECK™ services. With GUNCHECK™, our gunsmiths do a thorough inspection of the firearm, taking high-resolution photos (including fiber-optic bore images) for the item’s auction listing. With CYCLECHECK™, we test all semi-automatic firearms, taking videos to prove that they fire correctly. Best of all, both of these are complimentary services to the seller!
After that, we create the listing, post the firearms on our auction site, and you can sit back and wait for the bids to come in. We take all the risk and responsibility of finding the top bidder, collecting from that bidder, ensuring they are properly licensed and shipping their firearm to them.
Our Network of Firearm Enthusiasts
Our passionate community of buyers is the other reason GTA Guns auctions are so incredible at delivering a profit for our sellers! GTA Guns is a name that’s known and respected across North America. There are thousands of gun enthusiasts across the continent who cannot wait to check out our firearm auctions.
Why? Well, one big reason is our guarantees. We carry out specific checks on the firearms that make bidders confident that they are not just buying someone else’s problem. This is because the more confident we can make the bidders, the higher they are willing to bid.
In particular, GTA Guns provides fiber-optic bore pictures to buyers, so they can tell if the gun has been properly maintained or overused. We also have a gunsmith inspect every gun and write a condition report. Semi-automatics are test fired, and videos of these tests are uploaded onto the auction site.
GTA Guns is the only gun auction company that guarantees the guns work, or they are repaired free of charge. If buyers are not satisfied with their purchase of over $3000 for any other reason, they can send it back to us, and we will relist it for them without charging any seller’s fees.
As the seller, here is the best part: you don’t have ANYTHING to do with these guarantees. After we sell your firearms, the guarantees are OUR problem. Once you have received the proceeds from the auction, that’s the end of your side of the sale. You have no responsibility whatsoever! Now, doesn’t that sound better than trying to deal with a buyer trying to scam you (like them claiming your gun is broken when that’s not true)?
Of course, for your firearms to sell for the maximum possible profit, you need to get them to us ASAP. The sooner we receive your items, the longer we can advertise them to our audience. We highly recommend that we receive your items at least four weeks before the auction (or earlier) to get the best possible return on your initial investment.
If you’d like to learn more about GTA Guns online firearm auctions, safe storage, or any of our other services, please feel free to contact us today!