Did you know GTA Guns auctions has access to over 62,000 gun enthusiasts from all over North America? No one else in the GTA, or maybe even Canada, has access to that many potential buyers!
So, what’s our secret of attracting so many buyers from across the whole continent?
Read on to find out!
Location, Location, Location
The first three rules of business are location, location, and location. To start, GTA Guns is located within the buyer-rich Toronto-area gun market, giving us direct access to hundreds of local enthusiasts who are looking for the perfect firearm. But that’s only the “ground floor.” Ever since we’ve moved the “location” of our auctions online, there’s been a huge burst of interest from collectors all over North America who can now browse our auction site from the very first day of the auction in the comfort of their own home.
What we’ve seen over the last few months is that this vast pool of avid gun enthusiasts know exactly what they want to buy and will do whatever it takes to add that perfect piece to their collection. It’s been super exciting to see fierce bidding wars spring up every auction, driving up the price of the firearms higher than ever before. This means that sellers get more money in their pockets after a sale, driving them to post more firearms from their collections. This, in turn, attracts even more buyers who now have no shortage of great firearms to bid on. It’s a profitable cycle for everyone!
Buyers’ Uncertainty Discount
GTA Guns is the only firearm auction company that offers guarantees to our buyers. It’s understandable that online buyers are concerned about the genuine quality of the guns they are purchasing. After all, they are bidding on the firearms solely based on pictures and descriptions. Without having a guarantee that the guns they want to buy are in top shape, buyers usually lowball the amount they would ordinarily pay. We call it our Buyers’ Uncertainty Discount.
But, here at GTA Guns, we make sure buyers know the exact condition of the firearms they wish to buy.
We check every listed firearm ourselves to make sure they are in top condition using our proprietary GUNCHECK™ and CYCLECHECK™ programs.
With GUNCHECK™, we have our licensed gunsmith put your firearms through a round of meticulous inspection, after which your firearms receive grades and reports that outline their exact condition. These reports include high-resolution internal and external photos of your guns. All of this information is posted on your firearm’s auction listing, helping to guarantee that they will bring in the highest possible bids.
Our CYCLECHECK™ verification service performs a similar service for all semi-automatic firearms. To confirm that they are in perfect working condition and fire accurately without any faults, we perform a shooting range test. This is an industry first! Then, the actual test is posted on your semi-automatic firearm’s auction listing for everyone to see. Plus, there’s no additional charge added to the auction buyer’s acquisition price for our CYCLECHECK™ service.
GTA Guns and Gear Auctions guarantees that all of the semi-automatic firearms we sell feature the CYCLECHECK™ seal of approval.
But that’s not all!
Performance Guarantees
We also offer a performance guarantee to our buyers. If you purchase a firearm through our auction and it doesn’t work for any reason, you can simply return it to us. We’ll fix it for you, and we’ll even refund the shipping costs (30-day maximum).
On top of that, we also offer a satisfaction guarantee that applies to any guns bought at auction with a price of $3,000 or more. If you’re not satisfied with your purchase, we put it back up for auction for you with no sales charge (30-day maximum). All of these game-changing services come free of charge to both the buyer and seller.
With all of these innovative guarantees, it’s no surprise that we attract buyers from all over North America. All our buyers literally have nothing to lose, and they’re sure to receive their new gun in perfect working order!
On-Site Previewing
Just because our auctions now take place online doesn’t mean you won’t get the opportunity to see the guns you wish to bid on in person.
At GTA Guns, we offer on-site previewing of all our auction items. From the time the auction is posted online until the Saturday before the auction takes place, you can make an appointment with us and visit our brick and mortar location to make a full inspection of the guns or accessories you’re interested in.
Simply pick which items are of interest to you and call us to set up a viewing appointment. It’s that easy!
A Hassle-Free Process
If you’ve ever tried to buy or sell a firearm privately, you know it can be a real pain the neck. There are countless emails and phone calls to wade through, complicated paperwork to fill out, and the risk that someone’s PAL information could be a fake. Frankly, it can be nerve wracking.
But when you buy or sell a firearm through GTA Guns auctions, the process is simple and hassle-free. We take care of all the necessary paperwork and transfer and transport the gun directly to the buyer, so you don’t have to lift a finger. Once the auction is complete and the sale has gone through, we make the payment to you within 6 business days following the auction. No exceptions.
Get in Touch With Us Today
In short, we attract buyers from all over North America because we provide the best possible service to all our cherished customers.
With our fantastic location in the GTA, proprietary guarantees, on-site previewing options, and straightforward process, GTA Guns is your one-stop shop for everything gun-related.
So, now that you’re in on our secret, give us a call today to learn more about GTA Guns auctions, or any of our other services. We love answering your questions and helping you earn the money you deserve!