If you have a restricted gun in your possession do not possess a restricted firearms license known as an R-PAL, you are in violation and could wind up with a criminal record. You may be in possession of a restricted firearm that is supposed to be registered. These are usually handguns but can also be […]
Do you have restricted, non-registered firearms and you do not posses a restricted firearms licence called an R-Pal? If so, be very, very afraid. You are facing criminal charges if caught. What to do. Even a licenced R-Pal individual would be loath to possess a non-registered restricted firearm as it is a very hot potato. […]
What do we do if Dad is no longer competent with firearms? If it hasn’t happened already, it will. Estate-Gun-Management 31 May 2017 Executors now have a nasty little tax called the Estate Administration Tax to deal with before the will can be probated. Essentially, all that we own left in our estate must be appraised […]
Get peace of mind, abide by the law, and receive fair value for the guns you need to sell When mulling over the best way to divest themselves of firearms in their possessions, hunters, collectors, seniors and widows, and estate executors all face the same conundrum: how to do it legally, and receive a lucrative […]
Not ready to sell your collection? Store your firearms before moving to a seniors’ residence Seniors who are firearms collectors and sportsmen have a difficult choice to make when they’re facing the prospect of retiring to a seniors’ community living residence or nursing home: What should they do about their cherished firearms collection? No senior […]
Legal firearms auctions can be serious moneymaking affairs for people wishing to sell guns It’s becoming an annual ritual for police stations across Canada: gun amnesty programs targeting seniors and widows. It’s understandable and often necessary, particularly for elderly female widows whose husbands have passed away, and they’re left wondering what to do about a […]