Are you ready for the upcoming winter? Wintertime in Canada shouldn’t be underestimated. Over the last few years, we’d be having an unseasonably warm fall, and then, WHAM! We’d get hit with a massive snowstorm that closed down schools, streets, and sometimes entire towns. Given this pattern, you should think about doing your winter prep […]
firearms types
Did you know that here at GTA Guns we auction off more than just firearms? That’s right, all our auctions also include an assortment of firearm-related accessories and equipment. At our auctions, you can both buy and sell items such as scopes, sights, grips, holsters, and ammo. We also auction off other items that might […]
It’s time to ask that age-old question: what makes us different from the Americans? Obviously, there are countless answers to that. From the structure of our government to our national character to preferring gravy and cheese on fries, Canadians differentiate themselves from Americans in so many ways. One area where we don’t necessarily differ is […]