If you have a restricted gun in your possession do not possess a restricted firearms license known as an R-PAL, you are in violation and could wind up with a criminal record.
You may be in possession of a restricted firearm that is supposed to be registered. These are usually handguns but can also be tactical long guns. If you do not possess a restricted firearms license known as an R-PAL, you are in violation and could wind up with a criminal record. No boarding an aircraft nor going to the U.S. anymore.
What do do.
As this is a very hot potato, few with an R-PAL licence will want to take possession of it and go through the firey hoops. For your own protection, get it to a licensed gun dealer. Do NOT transport it yourself. They can legally have the gun properly registered and then sold if you want. Or, they can hold it while you obtain your R-PAL.
GTA Guns is a registered gun dealer and we can pick up the firearm(s) and make the necessary applications to have it (them) properly registered and provide safe storage during the process.