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Firearm Essentials: What Gun Accessories Should You Own?

When it comes to buying a new gun, there are so many questions you need to ask yourself. What’s my budget? What calibre should I purchase? Which brand of firearm should I choose?

Then, once you’ve answered those questions and picked out a nice firearm, your next decision should be about which gun accessories to purchase.

It’s vital that the accessories you buy are specifically made for the type of gun you bought. For example, if you choose a tactical rifle, then specialized tactical rifle accessories, such as extra magazines and an accessory rail, will be in order. However, if you opted to buy a hunting rifle, then your choice of accessories should focus more on the type of scope or which sling best suits your needs.

Heck, even if someone is in the market for unique or rare guns, they will usually want to buy some basic gun accessories to go along with their purchase!

Here’s our list of the top five gun accessories you should own:

1. Gun Cleaning Kit

This accessory is a must-have, no matter which kind of gun you own. If you want to keep your gun in tip-top shape for years to come, then it’s imperative that you properly clean it after each use.

With a great gun-cleaning kit, you’ll keep your firearm free of dirt, gunpowder, and oil, ensuring that it functions flawlessly whenever you plan to shoot.

While it’s always a good idea to keep some universal cleaning products on hand, you should also have a cleaning kit meant for your specific calibre of firearm.

There are two kinds of gun cleaning kits, both of which will prove useful if you’re an avid shooter. The first is a portable gun cleaning kit, allowing for quick field cleaning, while the second is a more robust kit meant for deep cleaning at home.

Both kits should be included in your basic gun accessories to ensure your gun will shoot accurately and last a lifetime.

2. Padded Case for Transport

At GTA Guns, we always stress the importance of storing your guns in a safe place that’s free of humidity. That’s why we offer our safe storage facilities, which are kept at the optimal storage temperature, monitored with 24-hour surveillance, and of course, fully insured.

However, once you’ve picked up your gun from our safe storage facility for a day of hunting or shooting at the range, you need to make sure it’s being transported safely. This is not just because you want to avoid damage, but also because it’s the law!

We recommend always having a gun carrying case on hand. Firearms are an expensive investment that can be passed down through generations, but only if they are taken care of properly. A great case will protect your firearms from scratches and accidental drops, while also making sure that your optics remain zeroed in. Trust us, don’t skimp on the quality of your gun case!

3. Gun Sling

Are you tired of standing your gun up in the mud next to an old tree? Many hunters forego the use of a gun sling, but this accessory makes for a whole lot of convenience. A proper gun sling will enable you to use both hands for other duties, and they are a great way to steady yourself for long-distance shots.

Just like gun cases, there are basic gun slings or high-quality slings. While we don’t recommend purchasing a basic gun case, we have a slightly different opinion when it comes to gun slings. Frankly, it all depends on your use.

For example, more advanced field-tested slings made from neoprene and other synthetics designed for harsh environments can be ideal for hunters. Basic gun slings, on the other hand, can be an excellent option for light use or range shooting. Your purchase should depend on your most common use case.

4. Scopes

Most would consider a scope to be a necessity when buying a hunting rifle, but a scope can also be a valuable accessory regardless of your type of firearm.

It’s important to choose your scopes based on the desired purpose of the gun. When it comes to hunting scopes, they should have variable power and enough magnification to see to your intended shooting distance. A hunting rifle scope should also be weather-proof and shockproof.

If you’re a target shooter, you may wish to upgrade to a higher-powered scope, perfect for hitting targets at great distances. These scopes often weigh more, but they’re more powerful. For a target shooter, that kind of accuracy can be more than worth the extra cost.

5. Range Gear

Once you’ve purchased your firearm, you’re going to want to hit up the shooting range as soon as possible. But who wants to shoot at boring, old plain paper!
Plain white paper won’t help you get your gun zeroed in, plus it’s just not all that fun.

So, a great firearm accessory to have is a standard target. These targets offer multiple rings for you to shoot, providing a clear direction on how to dial in your gun.

If you’re at longer ranges and haven’t bought a spotting scope or a high-powered scope, then a standard target might be too hard to see. We would suggest upgrading to high-visibility targets that make your bullet holes stand out, even from the furthest distances. It will be a lot more fun when you can clearly see how well your shots are landing.

Buy Your Gun Accessories from Our Online Auctions

Did you know GTA Guns auctions offers more than just firearms? At our online auction, you can also buy and sell firearm-related accessories and equipment.

So, if you’re looking to purchase any of our top-five gun accessories with your new firearm, look no further! You can bid on scopes, sights, grips, holsters, ammo, and more.

We even auction other items that might be of interest to avid gun owners and collectors, such as compound bows and accessories, and hunting and camping knives.

Our online auctions reach over 60,000 buyers from all across North America. When you buy or sell your firearms or firearm accessories with GTA Guns, we make it a hassle-free process, taking care of the paperwork and transporting the gun to the buyer. Plus, you’re likely to get even more money in your pocket through an auction than if you try and buy or sell privately.

So, don’t wait! Get in touch with us today to learn more about GTA Guns auctions, or any of our other services! We look forward to hearing from you.


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